Final Grade Calculator – Easily Calculate Your Final Exam Grade & Course Average

Current Grade
Desired Grade
Final Exam Weight
Final Exam Grade Needed:

For many students, the final weeks of a semester come with a daunting question: What grade do I need on my final exam to achieve my desired course grade? This is where a Final Grade Calculator proves invaluable, offering clarity and ease in academic planning.

What is a Final Grade Calculator?

A Final Grade Calculator is an online tool created to help students choose the minimum grade they need on their final exam to reach a target course grade. The calculation is based on three key inputs:

  1. Current Grade: The student’s grade before the final exam.
  2. Desired Grade: The target grade the student wants to achieve in the course.
  3. Final Exam Weight: The percentage of the final course grade attributed to the exam.

The calculator then provides the required exam score to bridge the gap between the current grade and the expected result.

How Does It Work?

The tool is simple to use:

  • Select or input your current grade.
  • Choose your desired grade—the grade you hope to see on your final report card.
  • Enter the weight of the final exam, typically specified in the course syllabus.

After clicking “Calculate” or reviewing the results, the calculator reveals the final exam grade needed to meet your goal.

Why Use a Final Grade Calculator?

  1. Realistic Goal-Setting: It helps students set achievable goals based on their performance so far.
  2. Better Study Planning: Knowing the score required allows students to prioritize their study efforts effectively.
  3. Stress Management: Calculators reduce tension and appoint students to focus on specific targets.

Example Calculation

Suppose a student has a current grade of 85% and wants a final grade of 90%, and the final exam counts for 40% of the course grade. The calculator will select the exact score they need on the final exam to reach their goal.

Here’s the formula it uses:

Final Grade Calculator

In this example:

  1. Current Grade: 85%
  2. Desired Grade: 90%
  3. Final Exam Weight: 40%

Step-by-Step Calculation: in the Final Grade Calculator

  • Subtract the weight of the final exam from 1:

1 − 0.4 = 0.6

  • Multiply this by the current grade:

0.6 × 85 = 51

  • Subtract the result from the desired grade:

90 − 51 = 39

  • Divide by the final exam weight:

39 / 0.4 = 97.5

final Grade Calculator
Final Grade Calculator

Thus, the student needs a 97.5% on the final exam to achieve a 90% course grade.

Key Features of a Modern Calculator

Modern grade calculators, like the one shown in the image, often come with the following features:

  • Letter Grade Options: For systems using A, B, and C grades instead of percentages.
  • Reset Button: Allows for quick recalculations with new inputs.
  • User-Friendly Design: Drop-down menus and input fields simplify usage.


Final grades are determined by a combination of assignments, term work, quizzes, final papers, or exams.

How to calculate your final grade in a points-based system

  1. Determine the point values. The point values are the maximum points possible for each course task. …
  2. Record your points earned and the points possible. …
  3. Add your points and the points possible. …
  4. Divide your total points by the total points possible.

To find out how much 20% of a final grade is, simply multiply the grade you received on that exam or assignment by 0.20. For instance, if you scored 85 on an exam that is worth 20% of your final grade, then that exam contributes 17 points to your final grade (85 × 0.20 = 17).

Final Grade. The final grade is the last step in the construction site grading process. In this stage, workers place a layer of sand or topsoil that promotes growth. Then, the final landscaping process can begin, placing plants and landscaping materials in their designated areas.

The semester grade can be calculated by taking the ratio of the total credit point scored by the student in various subjects and the total course credit during the semester. The resultant score is called semester GPA or semester Grade Point Average.

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) means a measure of performance of a student in a semester. It is the ratio of total credit points secured by a student in various courses registered in a semester and the total creditsof all coursesduring the semester.

The standard average is calculated by adding up all of the grades and then dividing by the entire number of grades, whereas the weighted average is calculated by multiplying each grade by its weight, adding up all of the weighted grades, and then dividing by the total weight or credits for each module you study.

To average two grades from a semester:

  1. Multiply each grade by the percentage of the whole semester’s grade they represent (weight): (Grade 1 × Weight 1) + (Grade 2 × Weight 2)
  2. Divide this by the sum of the weights: Average = ((Grade 1 × Weight 1) + (Grade 2 × Weight 2)) / (Weight 1 + Weight 2)
  3. That’s it!

Final Thoughts

A Final Grade Calculator is an important tool for students aiming to take control of their educational progress. By providing clear, actionable insights, it transforms uncertainty into a focused plan of action. Whether striving for straight A’s or simply passing, this tool provides students with are prepared to essay their finals with trust.

So, when can you calculate? Use a Final Grade Calculator and take the first step toward educational success!